Slow Cooker Loaded Potato Soup

Kyle ♡ avatar
Kyle ♡ Published on 2018-09-02, viewed by 2553 , 1 Comments

What you will need

1 bag hashbrowns

2 boxes chicken broth

1 can cream of chicken soup

1 block cream cheese

1 ranch packet

1 package bacon (small pieces, cooked)

1 can of corn

1-2 cans mixed vegetables, OR 1 bag of frozen

1 onion, diced

shredded cheese (topping)

How to cook


Cut the bacon strips into small pieces. In a pan, cook until crisp. An optional step here is to throw in the diced onion if you want to cook those in advance too.


Throw everything into slow cooker, with cooked bacon, excluding the shredded cheese.


Set for 8 hours on low or 4 hours on high.


Serve in bowls with shredded cheese on top.


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Deb Rowlands avatar
Deb Rowlands
2019-01-04 ☰
Sounds disgusting
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