Rice Cooker Chicken Bowls
- 1/2 lb Carrots
- 1 bunch Scallions
- 2 cups White Rice
- 1 Tbsp Chicken Bouillon
- 2 plus d'ingrédients .....
Filetto di Trota Affogata Nel Court-bouillon
- 1 L acqua
- 250 ml vino bianco
- 150 ml aceto di vino rosso
- q.b. sale & pepe
- 1 plus d'ingrédients .....
Рисовая Лапша С Овощами И Куриным Филе на Китайский Манер
- 150 гр куриное филе
- морковь
- паприка
- стручковая фасоль
- 7 plus d'ingrédients .....
Открытый Пирог С Овощами
- тесто (слоеное или на пиццу)
- лук
- морковь
- баклажан
- 7 plus d'ingrédients .....
Carne a Pignatu da Lecce Con Amore
Spezzatino di carne (piatto leccese)
- 1kg di polpa di cavallino
- 2 carote
- rosmarino q.b.
- sale q.b.
- 4 plus d'ingrédients .....
- 春巻きの皮10枚
- 玉葱
- 人参
- ジャガイモ
- 豚肉100g
- 人参1/2本
- 筍1パック
- 干し椎茸7~8枚
- 3 plus d'ingrédients .....
Instant Pot Lemon Herb Chicken and Vegetables
- 2 Lb Boneless Skinless Chicken Thighs
- 1/2 Onion
- 1 Lemon
- 4 Garlic Cloves
- 13 plus d'ingrédients .....
Instant Pot Creamy Red Curry Lentils
- 1 Yellow Onion
- 1 Tbsp Garlic
- 2 Carrots
- 5 Tbsp Red Curry Paste
- 8 plus d'ingrédients .....
Spanish Chorizo with Green Sauce
- 1/2 lb. Zucchini
- 1/2 lb Carrots
- 1/2 bunch Dill
- 1/2 bunch Italian Parsley
- 10 plus d'ingrédients .....
Roasted Veggie Bowl with Turmeric Tahini Dressing
- 1/2 head Cauliflower
- 1 Carrot
- 1/2 Red Onion
- 1/2 head Broccoli
- 6 plus d'ingrédients .....
Green Goddess Dip with Crudite
- .25 oz Fresh Basil
- 1/4 bunch Fresh Parsley
- 1 Lemon
- 1/2 bunch Green Onion
- 7 plus d'ingrédients .....