Brazilian Cherry Ring On Top, and Spalted Oak with Teak
- teak
- brazillian cherry wood
- spalted oak
- drill but that fits your ring size
- 3 more materials......
1st Sign
Epoxy inlay sign
- scrap wood
- router or dremel
- casting epoxy
- expoy color
- 3 more materials......
Distressed Coffee Table
- 1x6 yellow pine wood cut at 17", 22 1/2", and 48"
- table saw
- miter saw
- 1 1/4 wood screws
- 5 more materials......
Pine Shoe Rack
- cordless drill, philips head screw bit, 3mm countersink drill peice, 180 grit...
- minimum 40mm, 2×1.5m by 25cm p...
- sanding block, finishing wax, ...
Cutting Board
- Teak, start at 120 grit- all the way to 320- hand sand at 1200
Tábua Para Carnes
Tábua para churrascos
- peça de cedro vermelho de 2,5 de espessura
- ferramentas: tupia, tico tico e lixadeira
- oleo mineral para acabamento
- dimensões do projeto: 30x23cm
Tábua Rústica de Corte
- bolacha de madeira
- lixadeira (lixas de grao 50 ate 300)
- plaina
- tupia
- 1 more materials......