Bocote Hunting Knife
A Father's Day gift for my knife collecting dad
This was something I came up with that I wanted to make for my dad although I had never really seen anything similar to it (not that it hasn't been done--I just hadn't seen it). Not having anything as a guide, I had a vision for what I wanted but wasn't sure if I'd be able to match it. Luckily, the end product turned out even better than I had imagined. It was a fun opportunity to work with some exotic woods (bocote was a dream to work), and I had the pleasure of gifting it to a loved one.
What you will need
3/16" Bocote
1/4" Walnut dowel
Coping or Scroll saw
Wood glue
How to do this project

I drew and cut out a template of the basic knife shape then traced it onto the piece of bocote.

I used a coping saw to cut out the template.

I used a card scraper and sandpaper to add a bevel and shape the blade.

I glued up blocks of maple, bocote, and padauk which I then ripped into two separate pieces and glued maple veneer to the inner surface of each piece to serve as the blade liner.

I created a template specific to the handle then cut it out roughly to shape using a coping saw.

Once the two handle pieces were cut out, I drilled holes for the dowels, then glued it all together.

I first used a flush trim router bit to trim the handle pieces to match the shape of the blade handle. From there, I finished off the shaping with a card scraper and strips of flexible sandpaper.

I finished it with a few coats of tung oil.

