Farmhouse Table

4x8 table with a beetle kill top

Anthony Brauer avatar
Video made by Anthony Published on 04/09/2018, viewed by 3850 , 3 Comments

What you will need

wood of your choice




miter saw

teek oil


3/8" dowels

How to do this project


assembled the top Michael like how you would for a butcher block. Except, pocket holes were drilled into each board spanning about a foot apart all the way down all boards.

Since the customer wanted beetle kill boards and I could only find 1x4s, I assembled the top Michael like how you would for a butcher block. Except, pocket holes were drilled into each board spanning about a foot apart all the way down all boards.


le kill but for the rest of them I used 2x4s for stability. I joined them together by making a stretcher board

After I assembled the top. I made the legs. The Senate of the legs are beetle kill but for the rest of them I used 2x4s for stability. I joined them together by making a stretcher board


as keeping all the boards straight during the glue up process as they kept wanting to bow as the top got wider. So I had extra sanding to do. I sanded 50 to 320

It was then time to sand..and sand..and sand. What was really challenging was keeping all the boards straight during the glue up process as they kept wanting to bow as the top got wider. So I had extra sanding to do. I sanded 50 to 320


ble. First cutting the size accordingly.and screwing them to the supports underneath the top.i plugged all holes with plugs I cut my self from a 3/8" dowel.

I sourced boards I wanted to use for the apron and assembled them to the table. First cutting the size accordingly.and screwing them to the supports underneath the top.i plugged all holes with plugs I cut my self from a 3/8" dowel.


 Oil. The wood really came to life. Let it cure for 3 days and gave it 3 coats of spray lacquer.

After the assembly of the top and base was finished. Now came the fun part. Oil. The wood really came to life. Let it cure for 3 days and gave it 3 coats of spray lacquer.

