What you will need
3 hampers
Southern Yellow Pine (2 2x10x8')
How to do this project

Start by obtaining 3 laundry baskets to use for the project. Clamp some scrap wood to your bench to determine the width of the project. Using 1.5" rails, I found my baskets worked with an even 24" spacing between them.

I started by cutting two 27" by 7.5" blanks for the top of the frame.

Next I cut 1.5" square blanks that were 15.5" (qty 6) and 24" (qty 3) for the rails and back stop.

Using my miter saw, I cut 60° cuts leaving a little bit of the square edge on one side of the 15.5" boards. This will allow you to easily slide the baskets in while still holding them firmly.

Next glue and nail/screw the rail frames together. You should end with 3 sets, ensuring the cut angles are on the inside.

Cut and finish 6 0.5" boards that are appropriate height for your baskets. Mine ended up being 38".

Cut two 0.5" rectangular strips to help support the top. Then nail and glue the frame together as shown and slide the baskets in. Finish as you see fit. I will be staining mine soon. I will add a picture of it stained then.