Lattice From Lathe

Cheap Lattice

Joseph Edward Daniels avatar
Video made by Joseph Published on 03/14/2017, viewed by 2778 , 1 Comments

Last year we were overrun by morning glory vines. This year we're going to train them on lattice and hopefully keep them from strangling our plants. We have a lot of projects going on this year so we decided to go as inexpensive as possible with this one. We picked up bundles of lathe for about $12 each bundle. I was able to make 2 3x3 sections from each bundle. With some glue and Brad nails and a saw, this should be an easy project.

What you will need

Bundle of lathe

How to do this project


e isn't perfect wood. Some slats aren't straight but for our purposes we didn't care.

Figure out your layout. I used this block as a spacer. Beware that the lathe isn't perfect wood. Some slats aren't straight but for our purposes we didn't care.


Shot brand stapler/nailer and it worked great. 9/16" brads were just long enough.

Nail using brads. For extra strength you can brads and glue. I used a PowerShot brand stapler/nailer and it worked great. 9/16" brads were just long enough.