Pizza Gear

Pizza Peel and Slicer

Will Lindsey avatar
Will Lindsey Published on 12/22/2016, viewed by 2685 , 2 Comments

A pizza peel made from Maple, Purpleheart, Elm, and Walnut. A pizza slicer made from Cocobola.

What you will need

Wood of your choice. For the pizza slicer, a lathe and the hardware kit from Rockler. For the peel, a table saw, thickness planer, glue, router with roundover bit, and drill.

How to do this project


For the slicer, turn the handle on a lathe, then put whatever finish you want. I used Triple E, and a wipe on polyurethane.


For the peel, cut the wood strips to size on a table saw.


Run the strips through a thickness planer until they are 1/2 inch or less.


Glue the strips together. I had trouble with vertical sliding so I had to do a lot of sanding.


Add the extra piece for the handle to reinforce it. I put the roundover on the front first.


Trim to size, I used a band saw, but a jig saw would also work.


I finished it with a beeswax-mineral oil concoction from Woodcraft.


Drill the hole in the handle and attach the leather strap.


Enjoy your pizza.


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Rafael Sanches avatar
Rafael Sanches
12/22/2016 ☰
Great! Amazing job. I have a great napoletano pizza recipe hehe
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Renato Peterman avatar
Renato Peterman
12/22/2016 ☰
Awesome job! 😉
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