Re do a Deck
redoing a deck for some neighbors
What you will need
tape measure
2 inch screw
4 * 4
2 * 6
2" * 2" * 4'
3 step stair riser
table saw
chop saw
cordless impact
framing angle
joist mount
How to do this project

Went over to there house and measured all the current parts so I would know what to buy

Found out exactly what I would need and how much to creat a bid for my neighbors

We looked at a lot of ideas but overall this is the one we decided on doing.

I teared out the parts that looked like they needed it. Including the steps themself, stair step risers, support posts, and the edge support beams.

I put some of the posts in but then realized that I would have to move them out a little ways so they would need be in the way of the door handle. So three of the four in are correct but I still need to move the forth and put the last two in.

Today I finished the 4 * 6 posts in and even more support because the people I am building it for really stressed how they wanted it to be supper strong. So no when I wiggle it with all my weight it moves less then 1/4 inch any way

After I finished the posts I went ahead and started putting the Trex on to the s

I used the jig saw to cut the Trex around the posts to fit snugly and then cut all the rest to fit as well.

I went and bought a digital angle finder to measure the angles that I had to cute then all of them to length and fit them in tight

I went to home Depot and bought the dark walnut stain and a water proofing stain as well.

Cut railing peices to length and then stained them too

Started cutting and putting pieces together I used wood glue and finishing nails so you can't see any holes.

Finished putting the railing together now all I have to do is stain any parts that show and aren't stained.

Anything that showed and wasn't already stained I stained and waterproofed. Then I pulled any nails out that came out at weird angles of we're obvious.