Lay Down Work Station
never want to be in sitting position
- 2 monitor arms
- A chair for laying down
- A 1220mm x 2440mm x 20mm standard finger-board
- Dozens of eccentric connections
Lay Down Work Station
never want to be in sitting position
- 2 monitor arms
- A chair for laying down
- A 1220mm x 2440mm x 20mm standard finger-board
- Dozens of eccentric connections
Walnut Bench
My best yet
- Large walnut slab
- Walnut beams
- Wood glue
- Biscuit jointer and biscuits
Avião Para Decoração
- Esquadro
- Trena
- Martelo
- Prego comum
- 6 más materiales ......
Rustic/modern Style Coffee Table
maple and pine wood
- maple wood, pine wood, wood glue, 2 1/2" screws and 1 5/8" screws, dowels, power drill, tenon saw, miter saw, clamps, level, speed square, measuring tape, pencil, dark walnut stain, clear gloss polyurethane,
Banqueta Para Marcenaria
Shop Stool
- Serra tico-tico
- Plaina
- Furadeira/brocas
- Suta
- 10 más materiales ......
Balance Bike - Father/son Project
CAD rendering of my son's design
- Sheet of 1/2 inch Russian poplar plywood
- Red oak remnants for parts needing more strength
- Wheels from a $10 kid's bike found on Craigslist
- Various hardware pieces for assembly
- 5 más materiales ......
Soundwave Art
My two year old saying " I love you mommy"
- 5/4 slab
- Mitre saw
- Stain
- Oil/poly
- 1 más materiales ......
- 5 steigerplanken van 1.7 m
Salon Tafel
- 2 Vuren planken 195 x 28 mm. 2.4m lang.
- 3 vuren latten 45 x 28 mm. 2.4 m lang.
- Paar pallets
Комплект Мебели Для Сада
- Сосна, ель
Tabouret en Cyprès de Lambert
- Tronçonneuse
- Meuleuse d'angle
- Scie à chantourner
- Ponceuse excentrique
- 7 más materiales ......