Christmas Tree Ornament
- lathe. tools. wood
- finished with 120, 220, 320 grit sand paper. coated in small amount of 5 min epoxy
Кресло Качалка
Кресло качалка
- фанера
Rolling Workbench
4x8 Cabinet MDF on 4 double door lower cabinets
- 4' x 8' Sheet of 3/4" Cabinet grade MDF
- 4 Repurposed lower cabinets
- 8 - 10 Casters
L Shape Desk
Hairpin Legs
- 4-8ft 2x10 (use a hard wood) Lacquer, sandpaper, and wetordry sandpaper 800, 1500, 2000 grit
- 6- hairpin legs
طريقه تحويل التاير الى كرسي
تحويل التاير الى كرسي
- 4
Offener Küchenschrank
Sehr stabiler Küchentisch quasi ohne Schrauben
- Beine: Kiefer 5,4*5,4*82
- Querbretter: Kiefer 7,4*2,4*x
- Einlegeböden: Kiefer ca. 4*2,4*x
- Arbeitsplatte: Buche Leimholz
- 1 més materials ......
Einfaches Küchenregal
Komplett Buche ohne Schrauben
- Buche 12mm Rundholzstab
- 2500,200,18 Buche Leimholzplatte
- Buche 8mm Rundholzstab
- Oberfräse,Bohrmaschine, (Drechselbank)
- 2 més materials ......
Cutting Boards
Mel’s Christmas Present
- walnut and maple
- cut, glue, clamp, plane, and sand sand and sand some more. I start with 80 grit and work my way thro
Decorative Ladder Shelf
Stained to look Weathered
- Premium oak ply wood
- Premium oak 1" x 4"
- Premium oak 1" x 2"
- 3 1/4" #8 wood screws
- 12 més materials ......
Tábua Rústica de Corte
- bolacha de madeira
- lixadeira (lixas de grao 50 ate 300)
- plaina
- tupia
- 1 més materials ......
Criado Mudo
Criado mudo ferro e madeira, combinação perfeita.
- barra de ferro
- madeira
- puxador
- corredicas
Restoring a Front Door
Restored my nanna's front door
- Electric detail palm sander
- Various sand paper grits
- Masking tape
- Appropriate paint or stain
- 1 més materials ......