Air Fryer Calzone
Wrap up your dinner into one perfect little pocket and pop it in the air-fryer! This recipe will work great with rolled pre-prepared dough, a store-bought dough ball, or even with homemade dough!
What you will need
1 lb Pizza Dough
1/2 cup Pizza Sauce
2 oz Pepperoni
8 oz Shredded Mozzarella
(Nutritional facts 248 calories, 13.85 g fat, 16.01 g carbohydrates, 14.49 g protein, 36 mg cholesterol, 702 mg sodium)How to cook

Preheat air fryer to 375°F
Turn on the air fryer to 375°F and let run for about 5 minutes to bring up to temp.

Cut the pepperoni into small squares so you can fit easily into the calzones.

If your dough comes in a ball, divide into 4 pieces. If it comes in a sheet, just slice the sheet into 4 pieces. If you are using dough balls, stretch little by little into 6 inch rounds. If they aren't stretching, you just need to let them rest so the gluten relaxes enough to stretch.

Add a dollop of pizza sauce, cheese, and sprinkle on some pepperoni.

Fill remaining dough, and fold in half to cover the toppings and pinch to close.

Carefully place 2 calzones at a time into the air fryer.

Air fry for 8 minutes or until crust is browned.
