Bread Crumbs
Old bread made into crumbs
Never have to throw out old bread that's gotten hard as a board. Useful for anything needing bread crumbs, like breaded meat cuts, or stuffings. Can be stored for later use.
What you will need
dry bread - IMPORTANT! absolutely no mold must be present on any piece!
herbs and spices, as needed
(Nutritional facts 0 calories, undefined g fat, 0 g carbohydrates, undefined g protein, undefined mg cholesterol, 0 mg sodium)How to cook

When bread is getting old, but BEFORE it can mold, set it out to dry, in a cool, dry place.

Break the bread slices into smallish pieces. The bread must be dry enough to break, and not shred, for finer crumbs. For coarser grain of crumbs, it can be still sightly soft, and the blender works better. Put in blender or mincer.

Use impulse on blender, pushing and letting up the button to make the pieces "dance" in the blender, or low - high - low alternately on mincer.

Leave coarse bits for stuffings, process until finer to use for breadings.

Add any dried herbs and spices foreseen to be in the recipe for which the bread crumbs will be used.

Can be stored in the fridge for up to a week, with softer crumbs, and up to month, if the bread was dry. Lasts 6 months or more in freezer.