Cake Lime Skin Cheese 😁 Toaster Using Frying Pan

Cake lime skin tastes good

Melissa Yunita avatar
Recipe video made by Melissa Published on 06/09/2020, viewed by 6185 , 1 Comments

Easy and simple. I tried the toaster with a straight frying pan.

What you will need

150 gram tepung terigu/150 g wheat flour

6 butir telur/6 eggs

1 sdm Sp (pengelmusi )/1 spoontable whiner

1 sachet vanilla

1 sdt baking powder

6 sdm gula putih/6 spoontable cane sugar

8 sdm Margarin cair/8 spoontable Liquid margarine

4 buah jeruk nipis di parut kulitnya/4 lime and grater the skin

80 g SKM putih/80 g white sweet Milk

keju parut secukupnya buat toping/ topping cheese

(Nutritional facts 237 calories, 19.58 g fat, 8.79 g carbohydrates, 7.23 g protein, 396 mg cholesterol, 494 mg sodium)

How to cook


he frying pan/multi fungsional TΓ©flon, with a small fire, using the loyan with margarine

Panaskan wajan/TΓ©flon dengan api kecil, olesi loyan dengan Margarin/Heat the frying pan/multi fungsional TΓ©flon, with a small fire, using the loyan with margarine


ter expanding mix with low speed, adding lime  skin, flour, powder and margarine mixed together until it has been mixed properly.

Mix High speed, egg, sp, sugar, milk until it expands a white jaculated, after expanding mix with low speed, adding lime skin, flour, powder and margarine mixed together until it has been mixed properly.


d with a light flame. Grilled about an hour and a half, you can test maturity with a toothpick, and if no paste is glued to it, it's Fried. I baked using  in a pan and then covered it with a pan lid.

Put the batter on the margarine tray. Roast it in a frying pan that's heated with a light flame. Grilled about an hour and a half, you can test maturity with a toothpick, and if no paste is glued to it, it's Fried. I baked using in a pan and then covered it with a pan lid.


one πŸ˜πŸ‘Œ

After the cake was almost cooked and the toping cheese. Cake lime skin is Done πŸ˜πŸ‘Œ


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04/03/2022 ☰
why can't I see the recipes in Dutch please
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