What you will need
1 lb chicken cut into cubes
3 whole zucchini cut into cubes
5 tbsp olive oil
1 lemon: juice + zest
2 anchovies filet
1 cup parsley
1 clove of garlic
1 tbsp mustard (of choice)
How to cook

Marinate the chicken and zucchini: in a bowl add the chicken, zucchini, zest and juice of 1 lemon, 3 tbsp of olive oil and 2 tbsp of parsley. Season well with salt & pepper

Combine the remaining parsley, 2 tbsp of olive oil, anchovies, mustard and the garlic clove. Use either a good processor or a mortar to create a think sauce.

Cook the marinated chicken until the chicken is well cooked. About 10/15 minutes at medium/high heat. Serve with the salsa verde.