Easy and simple but delicious
What you will need
3 sachet chocho drink
3 tbsp Flour / 3 sdm tepung
1 egg / 1 telur
10 tbsp hot water / 10 sdm air panas
2 tbsp cane sugar / 2 sdm gula
3 tbsp oil / tim margarine / 3 sdm minyak / margarin cair
(Nutritional facts 214 calories, 11.68 g fat, 20.9 g carbohydrates, 6.15 g protein, 372 mg cholesterol, 204 mg sodium)How to cook

Sediakan 3 sachet chocho drink, campurkan 2 sdm gula, / prepare the 3 sachet of chocho drino, mix 2 spoon cane sugar

Tambahkan 10 sdm air panas campur choco drink dan gula sampai gula mencair dan tercampur rata. / pour the hot water 10 spoon mix choco drink and sugar until smoth and liquor mix well

Tambahakn 3 sdm tepung, aduk rata / add 3 spoon flour mix well

Tambahkan 1 butir telur aduk rata / add 1 egg and mix well

Tambahkan 3 sdm minyak / margarine cair . Aduk sampai tercampur rata./ Pour the 3 spoon oil or tim margarine mix well

Siapakan cetakan cake, oleskan minyak / margarine. Dan masukkan adonan./ Prepare the cake mold,smeared oil or margarine. Put the batter into mold

Kukus adonan 10 menit dengan api kecil . Pastikan kukusan sudah mendidi dulu. / Steamed the batter 10 minutes with small fire. Make sure the steamer was boiled 1st.

Setelah masak Keluarkan chocho lava dari cetakan./ Chocho lava is done, take off from the mold and put on the plate, ready to eat

Done. Ready to eat