Cuban Crushed Potatoes (papas Aplastadas)

My Take On Cuban Crushed Potatoes

Ryan Goodwin avatar
Recipe video made by Ryan Published on 09/13/2017, viewed by 3479 , 3 Comments

An easy dish that satisfies. My main adjustment here was to incorporate blistered padron chilis. Many recipes call for green bell peppers, but padrons are in season and so much tastier. Add scallions if you like, or substitute another green chili.

What you will need

1 pint padron chilis

2 lb new potatoes




1/2 lb sharp cheddar

How to cook


ntil tender. They're done when a fork or sharp knife goes right through the largest potato smoothly.

Submerge potatoes in lightly salted water. Place over medium heat. Simmer until tender. They're done when a fork or sharp knife goes right through the largest potato smoothly.



Clean and destem the padron chilis.


eful if the chilis are wet. They could ignite. Just cook them until they blister.

Heat some olive oil over high heat. Add the chilis when the pan is hot. Careful if the chilis are wet. They could ignite. Just cook them until they blister.


lf because they were a little big. Use a cup or a bowl to crush the potatoes. Not too much, you just want to flatten them a bit.

Grease a baking pan, spread the potatoes out in one layer. I cut mine in half because they were a little big. Use a cup or a bowl to crush the potatoes. Not too much, you just want to flatten them a bit.


rt of this dish. But just a light dusting will do.

Season the potatoes with salt, pepper, and cumin. The cumin is a crucial part of this dish. But just a light dusting will do.



Chop up the chilis and sprinkle them over the potatoes.



Dice up the cheddar. Add it on top.


Set the oven to broil and set these guys under it for maybe 10 minutes. Watch carefully though. Check every few minutes. If you're not comfortable with your broiler, things can go out of control fast. You just want the cheese to melt.


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Renato Peterman avatar
Renato Peterman
09/18/2017 ☰
Looks delicious :)
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Subaddra Sankruti avatar
Subaddra Sankruti
03/21/2018 ☰
Nice crushing technique.
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Ryan Goodwin avatar
Ryan Goodwin
03/21/2018 ☰
Did you give it a shot? I love this technique. The broken edges get so crispy while the insides stay soft.
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