Homemade Mashed Yukon Gold Potatoes
What you will need
6 yukon gold potatoes
3 cups milk
3 tbsp butter
salt and pepper to taste
How to cook

Bake potatoes at 375f for about an hour. A sharp knife or skewer should easily pierce through the largest potato.

Peel potatoes into a pot. Use a knife to just rip off the skin and knock the potato into the pot.

If you have a ricer, run the potatoes and the butter through it at this point. I don't have one, so my potatoes will be a bit lumpy. I just put the butter, milk and potato over medium low heat and started mashing.

Break them apart. Season with salt and pepper.

Then, with a strong spoon, whip as hard as you can. This is the tricky part. If the milk and butter is nice and warm and the potatoes all light and fluffy, you can really whip the crap out of these and the results are super fluffy.
I was a little disappointed with this batch. A bit gummy. I'll try again one of these days.