How to Chop Fresh Basil
This technique for cutting basil also known as chiffonade ensures that the delicate leaves do not bruise.
What you will need
Fresh Basil
(Nutritional facts 16 calories, 0.45 g fat, 1.88 g carbohydrates, 2.23 g protein, undefined mg cholesterol, 2 mg sodium)How to cook

How to cut fresh basil. This cut is called a chiffonade.

Use your fingers to pinch the leaves off of the larger stem of basil. Collect a stack of about 6 leaves. Stack the leaves with the largest one on the bottom of the stack. This way, when you roll up the leaves, the larger leaves will contain the smaller ones.

Gently roll the basil leaves together.

Use a sharp knife and cut thin strips in one swift motion to avoid bruising the leaves. You can cut the strips as thin or as thick as you prefer.

