Nutella Baked French Toast
Impress your guests with this sweet and decadent breakfast dish. This one is easy to prepare the night before and just bake up in the morning.
What you will need
1 loaf Brioche Bread
1/4 cup Butter
3/4 cup Brown Sugar
8 Eggs
1 cup Milk
1/2 cup Nutella
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
Maple Syrup, optional
Raspberries, optional
(Nutritional facts 428 calories, 27.96 g fat, 29.33 g carbohydrates, 16.54 g protein, 412 mg cholesterol, 243 mg sodium)How to cook


Gather and portion ingredients.

Melt the butter and mix it with the brown sugar.

Pour the brown sugar and butter mixture into the bottom of a baking dish.

Crack the eggs into a mixing bowl.

Add the cinnamon, nutella, and milk to the eggs.

Use a blender to mix the ingredients into a smooth chocolaty custard. If you don't have a blender, slowly whisk the milk into the nutella until it's thinned and then add the eggs and remaining ingredients.

Layer the slices of bread into the baking dish. Fit as many as you can, or feel free to cube the bread to fit it more easily.

Pour the nutella custard mixture over the bread, pressing the bread into the liquid to wet the tops. You can also tip the baking dish to make sure the custard coats all the bread. Cover and let sit for 4-12 hours in the fridge. If you don't have time to wait, feel free to bake it immediately. It will still be delicious, but the bread will just not have soaked up as much of the egg.
Set oven to 350 °F

Bake for 30-35 minutes or until the center is puffed up and there is no runny egg.

Top with some powdered sugar, raspberries, extra Nutella, or maple syrup.