Seared Brussels Sprouts Salad
With Asian Pear
A simple, but delicious way to prepare brussels sprouts.
What you will need
1 lb brussels sprouts
1 large asian pear
1/2 lemon
a handful of parsley
1 tsp sesame oil
olive oil as needed
How to cook

Quarter the Brussels sprouts.

Dice the Asian pear.

Warm some olive oil and a little sesame oil in a pan.
Toss in the Brussels sprouts and the Asian pear. Don't crowd the pan too much. You want a medium high heat with plenty of movement, so you can char the brussels sprouts.
Chop up the parsley.
When the sprouts and pear have a bit of color on them and are cooked to your liking, squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the pan. Toss and season with salt and pepper. Toss in the parsley, and serve.