Snap Pea and Radish Salad

Ryan Goodwin avatar
Recipe video made by Ryan Published on 07/31/2019, viewed by 2177 , 1 Comments
yield4 portionstotal time25m

Simple, but refreshing and delicious. Sweet, crisp snap peas with cooling yogurt and spicy radishes, chili powder and garlic.

What you will need

1 bunch Radishes

6 oz. Sugar Snap Peas

1 lemon

1/4 cup Olive Oil


fresh ground Black Pepper

Red Chili flakes

(Nutritional facts 81 calories, 5.79 g fat, 6.98 g carbohydrates, 1.61 g protein, undefined mg cholesterol, 464 mg sodium)

How to cook



Wash your radishes under cold running water.


on a mandolin. You should give the radishes another rinse after this step.

Slice off a little round at the stem tip to create a good face for slicing on a mandolin. You should give the radishes another rinse after this step.


olin that works great for tasks like this, but a larger mandolin will do, just be careful with those finger tips. If you don't have a mandolin, just slice your radishes into little wedges.

Use a mandolin to slice the radishes paper thin. I have this miniature mandolin that works great for tasks like this, but a larger mandolin will do, just be careful with those finger tips. If you don't have a mandolin, just slice your radishes into little wedges.


as will have a tough string running the length of one side. to check, pinch off the stem tip. If the tip gets hung up, tug it gently away from the body of the snap pea and try to pull off that tough string. If there's no string, you're good to go.

Wash and pare the snap peas. Sometimes, especially later in summer, snap peas will have a tough string running the length of one side. to check, pinch off the stem tip. If the tip gets hung up, tug it gently away from the body of the snap pea and try to pull off that tough string. If there's no string, you're good to go.



Slice snap peas on a bias, about 1/4" wide.



In a clean, large mixing bowl, toss the sliced radishes and snap peas.


yeball it here. Your yield from the radishes and snap peas may vary a little, so amounts aren't terribly rigid.

Pour in some olive oil. 1/4 cup should work fine, but you can really just eyeball it here. Your yield from the radishes and snap peas may vary a little, so amounts aren't terribly rigid.



Add a few turns of crushed black pepper.


flakes if you can. They're bright red and really look cool with all of the white and green in this salad.

A few pinches of chili flakes add a little heat. Try and find Korean chili flakes if you can. They're bright red and really look cool with all of the white and green in this salad.


r, you can catch the seeds with that. I just use my free hand usually.

Just squeeze the lemon juice right in there. If you've got a little strainer, you can catch the seeds with that. I just use my free hand usually.


 more texture. My favorite is Maldon salt. The little pyramidal crystals crush nicely between your fingers.

For a crisp, fresh salad like this, a really coarse sea salt layers on even more texture. My favorite is Maldon salt. The little pyramidal crystals crush nicely between your fingers.



Toss by hand to coat everything in the makeshift dressing.


 on a serving plate. Run the spoon through the dollops to smear it out to the edges.

To make a base for your salad, drop a couple of big dollops of greek yogurt on a serving plate. Run the spoon through the dollops to smear it out to the edges.



Structure the salad on top of the yogurt, stacking it as high as possible.


lad, you'll get random bites of the tangy, creamy yogurt.

Drip some little splotches of yogurt on top. Now, as you dig through the salad, you'll get random bites of the tangy, creamy yogurt.


 flake will work fine as a substitute, but the Korean stuff has a really bright, beautiful color.

For a final touch of color, finish with some of that chili flake. Any chili flake will work fine as a substitute, but the Korean stuff has a really bright, beautiful color.




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Renate A.W avatar
Renate A.W
09/26/2019 ☰
Very tasty! Thank you
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