Sourdough Waffles
Homemade overnight waffles with sourdough starter
There's a lot you can do with a sourdough starter. Bread obviously, but biscuits, pancakes, i even made a short crust once and made some killer sourdough pasties. But waffles, man, waffles are by far my favorite sourdough application. Sweet and sour. Maple syrup and sourdough are a wonderful combo.
What you will need
12 tbsp (170g) butter
1 1/2 tbsp (30g) sugar
2 cups (500ml) milk
3 eggs
1 cup sourdough starter
1 tsp vanilla
1 pinch salt
2 cup AP flour
Extra butter for lube
How to cook

Melt the butter.

Add the sugar. Stir until dissolved.

Stir in the milk. Warm this mixture of butter, sugar and milk to around body temperature. Then transfer to a mixing bowl.

Whisk the three eggs into the warm milk. Work quickly. If your milk is too hot, or the eggs sit in the milk too long, they will start to cook.

Mix up your sourdough starter and then stir 1 cup of starter into the batter.

Whisk in the vanilla.

Whisk in the salt.

Whisk in the sugar. Stir in the flour until fully mixed.

Let the batter sit, lightly covered at room temp for a couple of hours. Then, cover it and refrigerate overnight. In the morning, it should be thickened slightly, and a little bubbly.

Lube up your waffle iron.

These cook kinda slow, so you should give them a solid 10-15 minutes in the iron.

When they're nice and toasty, load them up with butter and syrup. Grade A maple syrup is highly recommended. The combination of maple and sourdough is magical.