Spiked Apple Cider
Warm up after a long day with this bourbon apple cider cocktail. Use a crockpot to keep this comforting beverage warm all night long. Mulling spices usually contain a mixture of cinnamon sticks, cloves, lemon and orange peel, star anise, peppercorns, allspice, ginger and more. Feel free to mix your own custom blend of warm spices!
What you will need
6 cups Apple Cider
9 oz Bourbon
1/4 cup Mulling Spices
(Nutritional facts 9 calories, 0.2 g fat, 2.34 g carbohydrates, 0.22 g protein, undefined mg cholesterol, 0 mg sodium)How to cook


Gather ingredients.

Add the apple cider and mulling spices to a pot over medium heat.

Add a lid to bring the cider up to a simmer.

Add slices of apple, ginger, lemon, or orange if you have them and simmer for about an hour to infuse the cider with the spices.

Turn heat down low just to keep the beverage warm, or transfer to a crockpot. Strain out the spices, add the shots of bourbon and enjoy!
