Homemade Kitchenaid ice cream with no eggs. Learn how to make an easy, eggless, coconut based ice cream with your Kitchenaid mixer and only 5 ingredients.
What you will need
1-2 limes
8-12 medium mint leaves
30g honey
1 can full fat coconut milk
a pinch of sea salt
How to cook

Clean your mint and remove from stem. It's tough to say exactly how much mint to use in this recipe because mint can vary in flavor. I used 5 whole leaves and 3 chopped leaves, but give it a taste and add more if needed.

Pour the coconut milk into a saucepot and warm over medium-low heat.

Add some lime juice. Similar to the mint, the lime can vary in intensity, as well as the amount of juice you will get from 1 piece of fruit. You might need to adjust to your tastes a little.

Whisk in a large shot of rum.

Add the mint leaves. I like to crush them up a little to get them to release some flavor.

Add the honey and stir to dissolve. Let this mixture steep for 5-10 minutes.

Chop up a few mint leaves and add to the base. Mostly for looks. The chopped mint looks cool when dispersed in the finished ice cream. Add them to the ice cream base. Remove from heat.

Stir in a pinch of sea salt. Now is a good time to give it a taste and decide if it will need any adjustments.

Pour the coconut milk into a container so that you can move it to the refrigerator to chill before churning.

Fit the spring-loaded retainer on the mixer spindle. Then, slide the ice cream blade into the ice cream bowl. Your ice cream mixer bowl should be stored in the freezer for at least 2 hours before each use.

Lower the head until the spindle attachment meets the blade and the spring compresses. The spring is designed to power the blade without breaking if it is frozen stiff.

Start the mixer on low. Be sure to start the mixer before adding your ice cream base. I once made the mistake of adding the base first and having to scrape the sides of the bowl frantically with a wooden spoon for 15 minutes to save my base.

With the blade moving, pour your ice cream base into the bowl.

Run the mixer on it's lowest setting for about 12-15 minutes, or until the base is the consistency of soft serve ice cream.

Move the frozen base into a container that can be sealed and stored in the freezer. It should be set up and ready to eat within an hour.