Vegan Sesame Miso Tofu Stir Fry
Corn, peas, tofu cubes, sesame seeds..
Trying to convert my Brazilian friends into vegans. Hope you enjoy.
What you will need
3 blocks marinated or non marinated tofu
Pinch o pepper
2 cups brown rice
Pinch o salt
Pinch o turmeric
1 cup frozen peas
1 cup frozen corn
Pinch o onion
Pinch o garlic
Half packet of miso goo from Whole Foods
How to cook

Cube up three blocks o' deliciously marinated tofu. I got a bit last and got pre marinated baked tofu from Whole Foods.

Start your rice sooner than later. We used about 2 1/2 cups of brown rice with a bit of onion and garlic mixed in. And of course salted to your preferred saltitude.

Marinate that cubey tofu goodness with a spoonful or two of miso goo. We got ours from Whole Foods - it's the light sweet miso. I also added in a generous amount of pepper to taste because I like my cubes to be a smidge spicy. Oh and turmeric too.

Mix up your cube marinated miso cubes of vegan power in a pan with some frozen corn and peas. However much your heart desires, peas and thank you.

Combine your rice and cubed vegan pride and joy, stir it up, cook until you're at a desired temperature and consistency. I prefer my rice a bit al dente, so whatever melts your.. butter?