West Lake Soup
A slight variation on the more common Chinese takeout soups, like Egg Flower Soup or Hot and Sour Soup. This dish is fun, filling, and takes well to condiments. Add a little chili oil or some hoisin, garlic chips, or really whatever seems to make sense and it's sure to please.
What you will need
2 Tbsp Toasted Sesame Oil
8 oz. Ground Pork
1/2 tsp White Pepper
64 oz. Chicken Stock
1/4 cup Corn Starch
4 Eggs
2 Tbsp Soy Sauce
1/2 bunch Cilantro
(Nutritional facts 87 calories, 5.09 g fat, 4.11 g carbohydrates, 5.86 g protein, 91 mg cholesterol, 623 mg sodium)How to cook




Heat the sesame oil in a saucepan over medium heat.

Once the oil is hot, add the ground pork and break it apart.

When the pork is broken apart and beginning to brown, add the white pepper.

When the pork is browned through, you can add the chicken stock.

Bring the chicken stock to a simmer. You might want to skim the broth if you find that there is a lot of foam collecting at the top. After skimming, we need to stir in the corn starch. But in order to avoid clumping, first mix the corn starch with a small amount of liquid to form a slurry.

Stir the slurry into the pot in a thin stream.

Separate the eggs. You can use whole eggs, but egg whites will stream better. Reserve the yolks for another use.

Beat the whites until smooth, then stir them into the soup.

Add the soy sauce and adjust seasoning to taste.

Rinse the cilantro thoroughly. Remove the lower half of the stem. Dry the cilantro on paper towels. Chop roughly.
