Yellow Soup

Squash soup

linda iacobacci avatar
Recipe video made by linda Published on 10/29/2018, viewed by 2369

On a drizzly day, it brings the colour of sunshine to the table.

What you will need

yellow squash, chopped (a solid meaty type, not butternut squash).

yellow onion(s), chopped grossly, about 1\3 amount of squash in weight

celery, one stalk and leaves, chopped

spices: ginger, turmeric, saffron, nutmeg (ginger can be a piece of ginger root)

a couple of hot peppers, any type, but red is a nice colour contrast

2 - 3 clove garlic, unpeeled and whole

1 bay leaf

teaspoon of salt for every 2 litres(quarts), ca.

olive oil (or other vegetable oil)

white vinegar

parsley for garnish, if preferred

How to cook


 size. Put in put and cover with water, oil and vinegar, bay leaf, peppers, and spices. (Hint: for a richer flavor, braise the onions in the oil before adding the squash chunks. Then add just enough vinegar and water to slightly braise them, too. Only then add celery and water.)

Chop in large pieces the squash and the onion. Cut celery in about the same size. Put in put and cover with water, oil and vinegar, bay leaf, peppers, and spices. (Hint: for a richer flavor, braise the onions in the oil before adding the squash chunks. Then add just enough vinegar and water to slightly braise them, too. Only then add celery and water.)


 than 10 minutes to the end of cooking. Add salt only at the end of cooking.

Dissolve saffron in a ladle of the broth from the soup, then mix in no more than 10 minutes to the end of cooking. Add salt only at the end of cooking.


Slow boil for at least 40 minutes, more if you prefer mushy pieces to something that still has a form.


e bay leaf, garlic cloves and, if you used ginger root instead of powder, that root. Garnish with parsley, if preferred.

Serve with garlic bread, croutons, bruschetta, or plain pizza bread. Remove bay leaf, garlic cloves and, if you used ginger root instead of powder, that root. Garnish with parsley, if preferred.


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