Bailarina 32 cm
- Tecido de algodão
- Termocolante
- Fita de cetim
- Tule
- 3 more materials......
Video made by Milia
Cachorro Peso de Porta
Peso de porta cachorro
- Tecido de algodão
- Poliéster para preenchimento
- Linha, agulha, alfinetes, tesoura
- Papel termocolante
Video made by Milia
Como Fazer O Cabelo de Lã
Cabelo de lã em boneca
- Lã
- Agulha, linha e alfinetes
Video made by Milia
Tartaruga 23cm
- Tecido de algodão
- Poliéster para enchimento
- Agulha, linha, tesoura, alfinetes e tesoura
Video made by Milia
Adicionais Boneca Grávida
Vestido, calçado e placenta
- Tecido de algodão
- Malha para placenta
- Cordão
- Botões de pressão
- 2 more materials......
Video made by Milia
Bolsa - Modelo Tote Bag - Com Bordado de Bicho Preguiça
- Tecido de algodão ou sarja para corpo da bolsa
- Plástico gramatura grossa (opcional)
- Zíper
- Manta acrílica
- 3 more materials......
Video made by Milia
Diy Cat Keychain and Key Cover
How to make Kitten that protects items in a purse
- Cotton fabric
- Acrylic blanket
- Pen or fabric ink
- Thread, needle, applique pins
- 3 more materials......
Video made by Milia
Diy Cat Keychain and Key Cover
How to make Kitten that protects items in a purse
- Cotton fabric
- Acrylic blanket
- Pen or fabric ink
- Thread, needle, applique pins
- 3 more materials......
Video made by Milia
Diy Cat Keychain and Key Cover
How to make Kitten that protects items in a purse
- Cotton fabric
- Acrylic blanket
- Pen or fabric ink
- Thread, needle, applique pins
- 3 more materials......
Video made by Milia
Diy Cat Keychain and Key Cover
How to make Kitten that protects items in a purse
- Cotton fabric
- Acrylic blanket
- Pen or fabric ink
- Thread, needle, applique pins
- 3 more materials......
Video made by Milia
Diy Cat Keychain and Key Cover
How to make Kitten that protects items in a purse
- Cotton fabric
- Acrylic blanket
- Pen or fabric ink
- Thread, needle, applique pins
- 3 more materials......
Video made by Milia
Diy Cat Keychain and Key Cover
How to make Kitten that protects items in a purse
- Cotton fabric
- Acrylic blanket
- Pen or fabric ink
- Thread, needle, applique pins
- 3 more materials......
Video made by Milia
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