Muro Duela y Piso Laminado
Pared. Con.triplay
- Tiras. De madera. De. Pino. En 3 cm para. Hacer un bastidor. En el muro. Y tiras. De. Triplay de. 9
Headboard From Reclaimed Grey Barn Siding
With Free Standing Slate Nightstands
- Table saw, chop saw, sander, level, glue, pre drill everything and countersink
Rénovation Cuisine
Avant Après
- Ponceuse,pinceaux,rouleaux couleurs, primaires,chiffons
Vintage Shabby Chic Restoration
How To Make A Cute Drawer From An Old Furniture
- sanding paper, white chalk wood paint
Green Oak Porch
Also glass handrail
- Oak
Étagères Suspendues
Étagères scandinaves pas chères
- Des planches
- De la ficelle
Věšák Z Palety
- Dřevěná paleta, smirkový papír, barva na dřevo, háčky, vrtačka, hmoždinky, šrouby
Muro de Mandalas
Meditación y decoración tejiendo mandalas
- Lanas de colores
- Palos de brochetas
- Tijeras
- Clavos delgados
Master Bedroom - Laundry Room
- Appliances $1750
- Plumbing/ Electrical $750
- Electrical outlet for Dryer
- Plumbing Tap - Hot, Cold, Drain for washer
- 7 più materiali ......
- 废旧木板,或者废旧电缆木圈
Oxygenics Rain Shower Head with 9'' Arm
- rain shower
- plumbers tape
Omlós Rétes
- Rétestészta
- 6 db zsemle
- 3 dl tej
- 15 dkg margarin
- 10 più materiali ......