Quick French Toast
Light French toast, no butter
- old bread, getting dry
- egg(s) - according to how much bread and how many people
- sugar, 2/3 volume of eggs
- vegetable oil (sunflower seed or peanut)
- 2 più ingredienti .....
Εύκολα Και Light Μάφινς Αυγού
Με μόνο 100 kcal/muffin!!!
- 3 αυγά
- 200 γρ. έμμενταλ
- 1 μέτρια πατάτα τριμμένη
- 1 πιπεριά Φλωρίνης (σε μικρά καρέ)
- 4 più ingredienti .....
Chickpea Caserecce with Light Caponata
- 140 g Barilla® Chickpea Casarecce
- 100 g Cherry tomatoes
- 50 g Perline eggplant
- 50 g Celery
- 6 più ingredienti .....