Brown Stew Tofu
Brown stew chicken is among the most widely recognized Jamaican dishes. And while it is delicious, it is obviously not vegan friendly. Nevermind, if you swap in tofu, you're really not losing much.
What you will need
2 lb Firm Tofu
4 cloves Garlic
1 Habanero
1 bunch Scallions
2 Tbsp Olive Oil
2 Tbsp Brown Sugar
1/4 tsp Ground Ginger
1/2 tsp Sweet Paprika
1/2 tsp Ground Allspice
2 Tbsp Hot Water
Kosher Salt
2 Tbsp Tomato Paste
4 cups Water
(Nutritional facts 47 calories, 2.2 g fat, 4.26 g carbohydrates, 2.98 g protein, undefined mg cholesterol, 26 mg sodium)How to cook




Cut the tofu into cubes, about 1/2" wide.

Peel garlic cloves and chop or grate to a fine paste.

Slice the habañero in half. Remove the stem and seeds. Slice to a fine julienne (tiny little strips). Make sure to wash your hands and your work station, or you may well regret it.

Wash and trim the scallions. Slice the scallions into 1" lengths.

In a heavy skillet, warm the olive oil over medium heat.

When the oil is hot, add the tofu. Give it a few minutes to sizzle away, then begin flipping the pieces as they are browned on the bottom. I use chopsticks here to make it easy to flip the individual pieces, one at a time. Unless you have a great stove, and great cookware, all of the tofu chunks will brown at a different rate. Cook each tofu cube until golden brown on 2 opposing sides.

Move the tofu chunks to the side and dump the brown sugar into the center of the pan. Continue over medium heat until the sugar melts, and darkens slightly.

Stir in the ground ginger.

Add the paprika.

Stir in the allspice.

Add the sliced habañero.

Add the crushed garlic. Stir to break it apart and toast briefly.

Stir in the tomato paste.

Then stir some water into the center of the pan, scraping to release any of the toasted spices that may have stuck to the pan. Continue adding water until the tofu chunks are nearly submerged.

Toss in the scallions and mix it all up.

Bring it all to a gentle simmer and hold for at least 20 minutes. The longer you simmer, the more tender the tofu and the more the flavors will sink in. When you're satisfied, bump the heat up to high and reduce the sauce to a gravy, stirring constantly. This is also a good dish to make a day ahead. The flavors will broaden and intensify in the fridge overnight.
