Ham Cheese and Tomato Omelette
Rolled omelettes can be a little tricky at first, but if you've got a nice nonstick pan, you should be able to get it down fast.
What you will need
1 tomato
3 oz ham
3 oz sharp cheddar
butter as needed
3 eggs
a splash of water
a pinch of salt
(Nutritional facts 424 calories, 25.72 g fat, 32.41 g carbohydrates, 19.39 g protein, 765 mg cholesterol, 754 mg sodium)How to cook


You may not need all of the cheese. Grate as much as you think you will need.

Ham steak comes in a great size for dicing.

Melt some butter in a nonstick pan over medium heat.

Whip up the eggs with a little salt and a splash of water. The water improves the texture of your omelette.

Pour the eggs into the pan. Cook gently, swirling frequently. You want to cook the eggs most of the way through without browning them. You can sometimes lift one edge of the set egg and let the runny egg run underneath if it is cooking unevenly.

A little bit of ham, some tomatoes, and a scattering of cheese. Try to add your ingredients in line with the handle of the pan, that way when you roll the egg from the left side of the pan, your ingredients will roll up nicely.

When the egg is set, gently release the egg from the outer edge of the pan and begin to roll it down the pan.

Guide the egg to continue rolling to the bottom of the pan, then scoop under it and guide it out onto the pan. This one came out a little runny, that's not a bad thing. It should finish cooking as it sits.
How to Deseed and Dice Tomatoes
A simple, neatly diced tomato can perk up a lot of different dishes.