How to Cut An Onion Without Crying

Ryan Goodwin avatar
Recipe video made by Ryan Published on 12/17/2019, viewed by 2011 , 0 Comments
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Fed up with watery eyes when chopping onions? You can use a sharper knife, or try covering your eyes. Or, you could just make someone else do it.

What you will need

1 Onion

(Nutritional facts 40 calories, 0.1 g fat, 9.34 g carbohydrates, 1.1 g protein, undefined mg cholesterol, 4 mg sodium)

How to cook




the gases that will cause them to tear up.

A sharper knife will help. You can also cover your eyes to protect against the gases that will cause them to tear up.


 you tend to do more crushing than slicing. It's the crushing that releases most of the chemicals that make your eyes water. Sharpen your knife and you may be surprised at the difference.

Most kitchen knives are not sharp. When you cut an onion with a dull knife, you tend to do more crushing than slicing. It's the crushing that releases most of the chemicals that make your eyes water. Sharpen your knife and you may be surprised at the difference.


specifically for cutting onions, but that seems like a waste. People might think you're weird if you tried to go swimming with onion goggles. Alternatively, wrap some plastic wrap around your head. Make sure to cut a breathing hole.

If you have a pair of swim goggles, that should work. They do make goggles specifically for cutting onions, but that seems like a waste. People might think you're weird if you tried to go swimming with onion goggles. Alternatively, wrap some plastic wrap around your head. Make sure to cut a breathing hole.




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