Torta Salgada de Liquidificador!
Torta Maravilhosa
- 2 xícaras de leite
- 2 xícaras de farinha de trigo
- 1 xícara de queijo ralado
- 1 xícara de óleo
- 9 mais ingredientes .....
Lasanha À Bolonhesa
- 500 gramas de massa de lasanha pré cozida
- 150 gramas de presunto
- 250 gramas de mussarela
- 300 gramas de carne moída
- 10 mais ingredientes .....
Saláta Füstölt Sonkával,debrecenivel,erdei Gombákkal
- 15 dkg bacon
- 1 csomag zöld salátakeverék
- 25 dkg erdei gomba keverék
- 10 dkg vöröshagyma
- 6 mais ingredientes .....
Light Chocolate Mousse
low calorie
- 120 gr dark chocolate chips
- 120 gr greek yogurt
- 1 Tbsp sugar (stevia)
- 2 egg whites
Ham and Cheddar Omelette
- a chunk of sharp cheddar
- 1 ham steak
- 3 eggs
- a pinch of salt
- 2 mais ingredientes .....
Ham and Cheddar Omelette
- a chunk of sharp cheddar
- 1 ham steak
- 3 eggs
- a pinch of salt
- 2 mais ingredientes .....
Ham and Cheddar Omelette
- a chunk of sharp cheddar
- 1 ham steak
- 3 eggs
- a pinch of salt
- 2 mais ingredientes .....
Ham and Potato Pizza
- 2 Thin and Crispy Pizza Crust
- 1 Yukon Gold Potato
- 6 oz. sliced Ham
- 4 oz. Gruyere
- 2 mais ingredientes .....
Ham and Potato Pizza
- 2 Thin and Crispy Pizza Crust
- 1 Yukon Gold Potato
- 6 oz. sliced Ham
- 4 oz. Gruyere
- 2 mais ingredientes .....
Quiche with Ham and Gruyere
- 4 oz. Sliced Ham
- 7 oz. Gruyere
- 5 Eggs
- 1 cup Heavy Cream
- 1 mais ingredientes .....
Quiche with Ham and Gruyere
- 4 oz. Sliced Ham
- 7 oz. Gruyere
- 5 Eggs
- 1 cup Heavy Cream
- 1 mais ingredientes .....
Pennsylvania Dutch Crockpot Ham and Beans with a Twist!
Dutch Ham and Beans with... squash!
- 1.5lbs ham neck
- 7lbs ham shank (more meat less fat as the neck does most of the flavoring
- 4lbs buttercup squash, I would definitly suggest using this type of squash!
- 2lbs green beans/string beans
- 4 mais ingredientes .....