Shortcut Buffalo Wings
- 3 lb Chicken Wings
- 1 bunch Celery
- 8 Tbsp Unsalted Butter
- 1 Tbsp Cider Vinegar
- 材料あと 4 個......
Shortcut Buffalo Wings
- 3 lb Chicken Wings
- 1 bunch Celery
- 8 Tbsp Unsalted Butter
- 1 Tbsp Cider Vinegar
- 材料あと 4 個......
Shortcut Buffalo Wings
- 3 lb Chicken Wings
- 1 bunch Celery
- 8 Tbsp Unsalted Butter
- 1 Tbsp Cider Vinegar
- 材料あと 4 個......
Shortcut Buffalo Wings
- 3 lb Chicken Wings
- 1 bunch Celery
- 8 Tbsp Unsalted Butter
- 1 Tbsp Cider Vinegar
- 材料あと 4 個......
Shortcut Buffalo Wings
- 3 lb Chicken Wings
- 1 bunch Celery
- 8 Tbsp Unsalted Butter
- 1 Tbsp Cider Vinegar
- 材料あと 4 個......
Shortcut Buffalo Wings
- 3 lb Chicken Wings
- 1 bunch Celery
- 8 Tbsp Unsalted Butter
- 1 Tbsp Cider Vinegar
- 材料あと 4 個......
Shortcut Buffalo Wings
- 3 lb Chicken Wings
- 1 bunch Celery
- 8 Tbsp Unsalted Butter
- 1 Tbsp Cider Vinegar
- 材料あと 4 個......
Chicken Adobo with Garlic Fried Rice
- 1 bunch Scallions
- 1 head Garlic
- 1/4 cup Toasted Sesame Oil
- 2 lb. Chicken Thighs
- 材料あと 8 個......
Chicken and Rice Soup
- 1 Yellow Onion
- 2 Tbsp Toasted Sesame Oil
- 1 cup White Rice
- 8 cups Water
- 材料あと 5 個......
Куриные Ножки С Картофелем И Грибами
- Грибы – 300 гр.
- Куриные ножки – 3 шт.
- Картофель – 8 шт.
- Лук репчатый – 1 шт.
- 材料あと 3 個......
Muslos de Pollo🍗 Con Platano🍌🍌
Platano acompañado del muslo de pollo🍗🍗
- 3 platanos
- 1/2 kg muslo de pollo
- 1 cebolla
- 1 lata de tomates
- 材料あと 7 個......
- 1/2kg de muslos de pollo
- 1 lata de sardina
- 1 lata de tomates
- 1/2kg de patapas
- 材料あと 9 個......