Dog Bowl Stand
- scrap plywood, scrap wood for trim, stain of your choice, spray poly, dog bowls, dog (optional)
Video made by Tom
Dog Bowl Stand
Beginner First Time Dog Bowl Stand
- 2’ x 4’ plywood, two 1” x 4” x 8’ boards, one 2” x 4” x 6’
- skill saw, jig saw, kreg pocket hole mini jig, clamps, wood glue stain and polyurethane
Video made by Andy
Segmented Bowl
Project from Ryan S
Router Bowl Serving Tray
Chips And Dip
Project from Mcleod
Scrap Wood Router Bowl
Project from Mcleod
Wooden Bowl
Video made by Jacob
Maple Bowl
- lathe
- maple
- chisels
- finishing: used 80, 220,320, 600, (tung oil×1),2000 (bees wax paste)
Video made by Kelan
Cherry Burl Bowl
Video made by Kelan