Indoor Dog Kennel
3x5 indoor separated dog kennel
- Use 2x4 for framing, x6 for top, 1/2" rebar, slide locks and door hinges
Video made by Jason
Raised Dog Bed
Espresso Dog Bed
- Table saw
- Circular saw
- Planer
- Kreg Pocket Hole Jig
- 7 more materials......
Video made by JCrown
Dog Bowl Stand
- scrap plywood, scrap wood for trim, stain of your choice, spray poly, dog bowls, dog (optional)
Video made by Tom
Dog Bowl Stand
Beginner First Time Dog Bowl Stand
- 2’ x 4’ plywood, two 1” x 4” x 8’ boards, one 2” x 4” x 6’
- skill saw, jig saw, kreg pocket hole mini jig, clamps, wood glue stain and polyurethane
Video made by Andy
Cat Tree
Very basic
- 1/2 sheet of plywood
- 2 2x4x8
- 2 inch wood screws
- 6 90 degree shelving brackets
- 1 more materials......
Video made by Dakota
Dog House
- made mainly of plywood and used bifold louver door slats
Project from Russ Schulz
Custom Table for My Neighbor (sized to Cover Dog Crate)
- Douglas fir 2x4s ripped to ~1” strips
Project from Dwayne
Reclaimed Wood Dog Bed
Vintage dog bed
Project from Oksud Meic
Dog Kennel
Video made by Ismail
Clever Handle
Making a handle for an old clever
- Old blade
- Wood scrap
- Glue
- Pins
- 7 more materials......
Video made by Thiago
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