Saloon Doors
- Some old barn doors
- Wood screws
Walnut Table Clock
- Some walnut wood
- Glue
- Some cool looking sticky numbers
- Clock motor and hands
Mason Jar Organizer
- 1 - 3/8" X4" X 24" piece if wood
- 5 - 2 1/8" to 3" #40 stainless steel clamps
- 5 - 3/8" screws
- 1/8 cup instant coffee
- 5 mais materiais ......
- 2 hojas de triplay de pino,
- Cortar a lo largo de la hoja, calcular la altura
- Una hoja de triplay alcanzo para este archivero, opcionalmente epidermis agregar cajones, y para esto solo con la mitad de la hoja es suficiente
Mesa Porta Fotos
Mesa para colocar bonitos adornos
- Tripay de 3/4, tabla de 2" por 2"
Caja Musical Far West
Carruaje colonos lejano Oeste Americano
Изготовление Лавочки
Лавочки для ребёнка
- Доска 2.5 см
- Фрезер
- Лобзик
- Фуруповерт
- 1 mais materiais ......
Изготовление Полки
Для поделок
- Фанера
Pallet Shoe Rack
- Reciprocating Saw
- A flat crow/pry bar
- A dead blow hammer or any hammer that won't make your ears bleed from the sound
- Obviously eye ear and everything else protection
- 8 mais materiais ......
Изготовление Люстры
Колесо и люстра
- Доска 150+40
- Морилка
- Лак
- Электро лобзик
- 8 mais materiais ......
Raised Mini Vegetable Garden
Fun project for a amateur
- Some scrap wood. Enough to accommodate your design
- Fasteners of your choosing
- Tools to shape wood
Tv Backboard
No more visible wires
- 3x 32x44x1.8 pine
- 9x 94x22x1.8 pine
- Glue