how to make guacamole the right way
- 1 avocado
- a few sprigs of cilantro
- 1/2 a lime
- a pinch of salt
how to make guacamole the right way
- 1 avocado
- a few sprigs of cilantro
- 1/2 a lime
- a pinch of salt
how to make guacamole the right way
- 1 avocado
- a few sprigs of cilantro
- 1/2 a lime
- a pinch of salt
- 1бр. авокадо
- 1/2 зрял домат
- 1/2 лимон/лайм /сок/
- 1/4бр. глава червен лук
- 5 plus d'ingrédients .....
Cestini di Grana Con Guacamole e Gamberi in Salsa di Soia
- gamberi (1 per cestino)
- grana padano grattuggiato
- salsa di soia
- avocado
- 6 plus d'ingrédients .....
Prawdziwe Meksykańskie Guacamole
- 1 duże awokado
- świeżo wyciśnięty sok z połowy limonki
- garść świeżej poszatkowanej kolendry
- pół małej czerwonej cebuli – posiekanej w drobną kosteczkę
- 5 plus d'ingrédients .....
Quesadilla S Mletým Masem
- 500g mletého masa (hovězí nebo vepřové)
- malý rajský protlak
- koření dle chuti
- sůl
- 2 plus d'ingrédients .....
- tortilje
- crveni luk
- meksička mješavina povrća
- pasirana rajčica
- 10 plus d'ingrédients .....
Vegan Tofu Tacos
- 14 oz Extra Firm Tofu
- 15 oz Black Beans
- 1/4 tsp Salt
- 1/4 tsp Cumin
- 6 plus d'ingrédients .....
Weeknight Crispy Tacos
- 1 lb Ground Beef
- 1 oz Taco Seasoning
- 8 crispy Taco Shells or Tostadas
- 1 cup Mexican Shredded Cheese
- 4 plus d'ingrédients .....
Weeknight Crispy Tacos
- 1 lb Ground Beef
- 1 oz Taco Seasoning
- 8 crispy Taco Shells or Tostadas
- 1 cup Mexican Shredded Cheese
- 4 plus d'ingrédients .....
Weeknight Crispy Tacos
- 1 lb Ground Beef
- 1 oz Taco Seasoning
- 8 crispy Taco Shells or Tostadas
- 1 cup Mexican Shredded Cheese
- 4 plus d'ingrédients .....