Skillet Veggie Enchiladas
- 8 oz. White Mushrooms
- 1 Red Bell pepper
- 8 Flour tortillas
- 1 Yellow Onion
- 4 more ingredients.....
Skillet Veggie Enchiladas
- 8 oz. White Mushrooms
- 1 Red Bell pepper
- 8 Flour tortillas
- 1 Yellow Onion
- 4 more ingredients.....
Lasagne Vegetariane Zucca e Funghi
- Pasta Sfogliavelo (una Confezione) 600 Gr Zucca Pulita 300gr Besciamella Sale Noce Moscata Olio Evo
- 100gr Parmigiano 40gr Funghi 250gr Porro
豚肉 キノコと野菜のマヨネーズソテーどっさりのせ
- 豚薄切り肉400グラム
- 人参
- ジャガイモ
- ピーマン
- 1 more ingredients.....
- 生鮭120g位の切り身5~6切れ
- エシャロット パセリ トマト
- マッシュルーム(エリンギでも)
- 白ワイン 生クリーム
- 2 more ingredients.....
Macarrão Na Panela de Pressão
Para quem não gosta de ficar muito tempo na cozinh
- Champignon e palmito a gosto
- 300gr de macarrão
- 200gr de creme de leite
- Cheiro verde e sal a gosto
- 2 more ingredients..
Ravioli di Trippa Alla Romana
Con salsa ai funghi e funghi trifolati
- passata
- trippa già lessata
- funghi
- farina
- 5 more ingredients..
Yuba with Mushrooms and Cabbage
- 5 oz. (140 g) yuba
- ½ head of cabbage
- 150 g mushrooms
- ½ tsp (1 g) grated ginger
- 4 more ingredients.....
Yuba with Mushrooms and Cabbage
- 5 oz. (140 g) yuba
- ½ head of cabbage
- 150 g mushrooms
- ½ tsp (1 g) grated ginger
- 4 more ingredients.....
Beijing Style Pot Stickers
- 1 lb ground pork
- 1 lb ground chicken
- 1 Tbsp soy sauce
- 1 Tbsp sesame oil
- 3 more ingredients.....
Beijing Style Pot Stickers
- 1 lb ground pork
- 1 lb ground chicken
- 1 Tbsp soy sauce
- 1 Tbsp sesame oil
- 3 more ingredients.....
Skillet Veggie Enchiladas
- 8 oz. White Mushrooms
- 1 Red Bell pepper
- 8 Flour tortillas
- 1 Yellow Onion
- 4 more ingredients.....