Pudhina Podi
Mint powder (Accompaniment)
- 1 cup mint leaves
- 1 tbsp channa dal
- 1 tsp urad dal
- Dried red chilli 3 or to taste
- 2 plus d'ingrédients .....
Pollo Tipakay
usa esta salsa y será buenasa
- 1/2 baso de dulce de durazno
- 3 cucharas de tamarindo
- 3 cucharas de miel
- 1/4 de jugo de naranja
- 6 plus d'ingrédients ..
Salteado de Fideos de Arroz Con Cerdo
Receta de kwan homsai
- 1/4 vasito de agua
- zumo de media lima
- 1 cucharada de azucar blanco
- 2 cucharadas de azucar moreno
- 7 plus d'ingrédients ..
Рисовая Лапша С Овощами И Куриным Филе на Китайский Манер
- 150 гр куриное филе
- морковь
- паприка
- стручковая фасоль
- 7 plus d'ingrédients .....
다이어트 떡볶이 두부로 만들기
한국 음식 떡볶기 두부로 만들면 칼로리를 줄일 수 있습니다
- 두부 150g
- 파
- 고춧가루 1t
- 고추장 1T
- 4 plus d'ingrédients .....
- 400 g túró
- 30 dkg cukor
- 2 tojás
- 1 citrom reszelt héja
- 2 plus d'ingrédients .....
- 豚挽き肉
- 水菜
- 白菜
- 春雨
- 1 plus d'ingrédients .....
Stir Fried Singapore Noodles
- 4 ounces Thin Rice Noodles
- 1 Tbsp Vegetable Oil
- 1 Red, Orange or Yellow Bell Pepper
- 2 Shallots
- 9 plus d'ingrédients .....
Stir Fried Singapore Noodles
- 4 ounces Thin Rice Noodles
- 1 Tbsp Vegetable Oil
- 1 Red, Orange or Yellow Bell Pepper
- 2 Shallots
- 9 plus d'ingrédients .....
Vermicelli Noodle Bowl
- 2 tbsp lemongrass turmeric paste
- 4 chicken thighs
- 14 oz dried rice noodles
- 1/2 head of iceberg lettuce
- 9 plus d'ingrédients .....
Vermicelli Bowls
- 1 inch Fresh Ginger
- 1 Cucumber
- 2 Green Onions
- 1 Red, Yellow, or Orange Bell Pepper
- 9 plus d'ingrédients .....
Vermicelli Bowls
- 1 inch Fresh Ginger
- 1 Cucumber
- 2 Green Onions
- 1 Red, Yellow, or Orange Bell Pepper
- 9 plus d'ingrédients .....