Bolo de Cenoura Sem Glúten
vegano fácil de fazer
- 03 ovos
- 180ml de água morna
- 06 colheres de sopa cheias de farinha de arroz integral
- 08 colheres de sopa cheias de fecula de batata
- 5 من المكونات الإضافية......
Charuto de Folha de Uva
Sem arroz
- 06 folhas de uva
- 100gr de carne moida
- 01 tomate
- 01 cebola pequena
- 4 من المكونات الإضافية......
Caldo Cremoso de Beterraba
Facil de fazer
- 02 beterrabas
- 1/2 cebola
- 01 inhame
- 02 tomates
- 1 من المكونات الإضافية......
Salted Cod Fish Rolls
- 4 Russet Potatoes
- 1lb Salted Cod
- Salt & Pepper
- Parsley
- 2 من المكونات الإضافية......
Kale & Mac Soup
sunday funday soup
- bunch of kale
- 2 Russet potatoes + 1 sweet potato
- 2 onions + 2 shallots
- 1 cup of shredded carrots
- 5 من المكونات الإضافية......
Torta Margherita
Una torta morbida e saporita.
- 150g di farina
- 180g di zucchero
- 16g lievito per dolci
- 150g fecola di patate
- 6 من المكونات الإضافية......
Carne Com Creme de Gorgonzola e Batatas Cozidas
- 3 bifes de alcatra
- 3 batatas médias
- 3 dentes de alho
- Azeite de oliva para fritura a gosto (uso um fio apenas)
- 7 من المكونات الإضافية......
Belarusian Style Cabbage Soup
- Chicken (this time I used chicken breast, 4 small pieces)
- Cabbage 1/2
- Carrot 2
- Onion (scallion 1 bunch, yellow onion 1/2, shallot 1/2)
- 8 من المكونات الإضافية......
Red Pepper Hash
Simple morning snack
- 4 medium yellow potatoes
- 2 hard boiled eggs
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1 roasted red pepper
- 1 من المكونات الإضافية......
Beef Curry Without Tomatoes
In A Crockpot
- 1 yellow onion.
- Cooking oil
- 1 tbsp ground turmeric
- 1 tbsp ground coriander
- 6 من المكونات الإضافية......
Cuban Crushed Potatoes (papas Aplastadas)
My Take On Cuban Crushed Potatoes
- 1 pint padron chilis
- 2 lb new potatoes
- Salt
- Pepper
- 2 من المكونات الإضافية......
Homemade Mashed Yukon Gold Potatoes
- 6 yukon gold potatoes
- 3 cups milk
- 3 tbsp butter
- salt and pepper to taste