Figured Cherry Tray
24" x 24" tray with beveled side wall

- 3/4" cherry, 4 brd ft
- 2" perimeter side wall
- glue, sandpaper, urethane (General Finishes)
Book Shelf
The perfect use for a unique piece of cherry.

- 2" x 12" x 76" cherry slab
- 1" x 12" x 76" bookmatched piece
- (2) 2" x 1" x 12" pieces for the legs
- urethane, India ink
- 2 more materials......
Curly Cherry Sofa Table
Keeping the sapwood only made it better.

- Luck in finding bookmatched curly lumber! This piece is 64" x 14" x 30" with slightly tapered 1.5" x 1.5" legs
Waterborne Topcoat On Cherry Cabinets
Sprayed using 3 stage HVLP.

- Clear, water based or waterborne finish.
- HVLP finish sprayer. I prefer a 3 stage.
Record Player Stand/desk
Built from cherry and premium white wood

- 1x4x8 cherry lumber
- 2x3x8 premium white wood
- pocket hole jig with screws or nails
- drill
- 6 more materials......
K's Cherry Top Woodworkers Workbench

- 1X4X8 Cherry lumber ct determined by tabletop size
- 7ct 2X4
- Pocket hole jig with screws
- 2 1/2" screws
- 18 more materials......
Purple Heart Moxon Vice
I love this vice!

- Purple Heart (or other hardwood)
- Mango (or other hardwood)
- 2 5/8" bolts approx 8-12" in length
- 6 nuts for 5/8 bolts
- 3 more materials......

- Cherry log

- Oak , Maple, Cherry
Custom Jewelry Armoire

- Cherry
Entry Table

- Cherry, maple
Segmented Bowl

- Maple, cherry