Frittelle Al Tonno
- 300 ml di latte intero
- farina 00 qb
- tonno qb
- un filo di olio d'oliva
- 3 plus d'ingrédients .....
Frittelle Alle Cime di Rapa
Frittelle alle cime di rapa
- 500 g di rape gia mondate
- 2 uova
- 50 g farina
- 50 parmigiano ( o altro formaggio a piacere )
- 2 plus d'ingrédients .....
Dutch Baby Pancake
- 1/2 Cup Flour
- 1/2 Cup Milk
- 1 Tsp Vanilla
- 3 Eggs
- 5 plus d'ingrédients .....
Savory Dutch Baby Pancake
- 1/2 Cup Flour
- 1/2 Cup Milk
- 3 Eggs
- Mrs. Dash
- 5 plus d'ingrédients .....
Banana & Oat Pancakes
Creates 6-8 pancakes
- 100g whole unprocessed oats
- 1 large ripe banana
- 2 eggs
- 100ml milk (or oat milk)
- 1 plus d'ingrédients .....
Pancakes Mit Haferflocken
- 200g Haferflockenmehl
- 300ml Milch (auch Hafer- oder Sojamilch )
- 60g gemahlene Nüsse
- 2 Bananen
- 3 plus d'ingrédients .....
Slané Špaldové Palacinky So Špenátovo-syrovou Omáčkou
- Na cesto: 150g špaldovej múky
- 2 vajcia
- 100ml mlieka
- štipku soli
- 7 plus d'ingrédients .....
Cheddar Apple Waffles & Candied Bacon
- 12 oz Bacon
- 1/3 cup Maple Syrup
- 1/2 cup Pecans
- 2 cups Waffle Mix
- 5 plus d'ingrédients .....
Kickass Vegan Sourdough Waffles
And a primer on making your own sourdough starter
- 1/2 cup grapeseed oil (or sub any oil with a neutral flavor)
- 1/2 cup sourdough starter
- 1/2 tsp vanilla
- 1 cup flour
- 2 plus d'ingrédients .....
Sourdough Waffles
Homemade overnight waffles with sourdough starter
- 12 tbsp (170g) butter
- 1 1/2 tbsp (30g) sugar
- 2 cups (500ml) milk
- 3 eggs
- 5 plus d'ingrédients .....
Вафли С Мясом В Кляре
Пальчики оближешь))
- Упаковка вафельных коржей
- 1 кг мясного фарша
- 5-6 яиц высшего сорта
- Соль
- 1 plus d'ingrédients .....
Waffle de Pão de Queijo
- 1 xícara de leite 240ml
- 1/2 xícara de manteiga
- 1 colher rasa de sal
- 1 xícara e 1/3 de polvilho doce
- 3 plus d'ingrédients .....