How to Grate Ginger

Ryan Goodwin avatar
Recipe video made by Ryan Published on 03/01/2018, viewed by 19259 , 1 Comments
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What you will need

1 Ginger

How to cook


kin with a small spoon works great. A peeler doesn't get in the crevices as well.

First you're gonna have to peel your ginger. I find that scraping off the skin with a small spoon works great. A peeler doesn't get in the crevices as well.


 ideal. I use a small plate grater. You can find ginger specific graters at Japanese grocers or kitchen shops.

You need a rough surface. The fine side of a box grater works, but it's not ideal. I use a small plate grater. You can find ginger specific graters at Japanese grocers or kitchen shops.


Try fresh ginger in any recipe calling for ground ginger. Use about 1 tbsp of fresh for every 1/4 tsp of ground ginger.


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Rafael Sanches avatar
Rafael Sanches
03/29/2018 ☰
Great tips!!
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