Spicy Dumpling Dough

Ryan Goodwin avatar
Recipe video made by Ryan Published on 06/07/2018, viewed by 47300 , 0 Comments
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Dumpling dough is actually super simple. Flour and water, maybe some salt. The tough part is working with the dough when it's done. But if you take your time and enjoy the experience, you'll be amazed how fast your inner dumpling master will emerge. In this recipe I add a little blast of Himalayan chili for a little bit of heat.

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What you will need

2 cups (350 g) ap flour

1 tsp himalayan chili

a hearty pinch of salt

3/4 cup (85 ml) boiling water

How to cook




ork, but I love Himalayan chili powder. It's got a kick and a great flavor. You can usually find it at Indian grocery stores.

In a mixing bowl, stir together the flour, salt and chili. Any chili will work, but I love Himalayan chili powder. It's got a kick and a great flavor. You can usually find it at Indian grocery stores.


 you boil the water before you measure it out. If you boil it first, you'll end up with less water, right? Stir it in with some chopsticks. They work well to break up clumps.

The only real trick with dumpling dough is that the water is hot. Make sure you boil the water before you measure it out. If you boil it first, you'll end up with less water, right? Stir it in with some chopsticks. They work well to break up clumps.


nutes until smooth. Wrap the dough in plastic or tuck it into a plastic bag and chill for at least 30 minutes.

Bring the ingredients together to form a dough. Knead it for a couple of minutes until smooth. Wrap the dough in plastic or tuck it into a plastic bag and chill for at least 30 minutes.


round  the width of 2 or 3 fingers. Doesn't need to be too precise. These are probably your first dumplings, right? Take it easy, the dumplings can tell when you're stressed.

Now you've got your dough, roll it out into a log. It should be somewhere around the width of 2 or 3 fingers. Doesn't need to be too precise. These are probably your first dumplings, right? Take it easy, the dumplings can tell when you're stressed.


 up so they don't dry out as you work.

slice the log into medallions. Pinky's width should be good. Wrap them back up so they don't dry out as you work.


a circle. More important than the shape is the width. Start with about a key's width, but feel free to go thinner if you prefer a thinner dumpling wrapper.

Press out a round of dough with your thumbs. Roll it out to something like a circle. More important than the shape is the width. Start with about a key's width, but feel free to go thinner if you prefer a thinner dumpling wrapper.



Scoop a nice, oblong ball of filling into your dough.


ker pinch and pleat. Seal the dough, then pinch about 5 pleats along the rim. You can find a lot more dumpling folding techniques on youtube. I also like the simpler beijing-style fold. Check it out at the recipe below.

There's more than one way to stuff a dumpling. I tend to favor the pot sticker pinch and pleat. Seal the dough, then pinch about 5 pleats along the rim. You can find a lot more dumpling folding techniques on youtube. I also like the simpler beijing-style fold. Check it out at the recipe below.


until browned on one side and then adding a splash of water to steam.

This dough works well for wrapping any type of tasty farce. Cook by frying until browned on one side and then adding a splash of water to steam.


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