Butternut Squash and Carrot Soup with Coconut and Ginger
- 1 Onion
- 5 Carrots
- 1 inch Fresh Ginger
- 1 small Butternut Squash
- 7 more ingredients.....
Joško Cvitanović
- 2 cijele brokule
- 1 krumpir
- 3 mrkve
- 1 kapula
- 5 more ingredients.....
Kuracie Soté Na Zelenine S Kuskusom
- 2 ks kuracích pŕs
- 3 stredné mrkvy
- 1 väčší kaleráb
- 1 ČL kurkumy
- 4 more ingredients.....
Быстрый Суп С Сосисками.
- Вода - 2 литра
- Картофель - 4 шт.
- Морковь - 1 шт.
- Лук - 1 шт.
- 3 more ingredients.....
Шурпа Из Баранины Неклассическая
суп из баранины по типу шурпы
- 700гр баранины (у меня шея и часть от лопатк )
- 1,5 шт морковь
- 2 шт лука
- 1шт болг перец(красный)
- 7 more ingredients.....
Asian Rice Bowl with Sesame Miso Dressing
- 20 oz Microwavable Rice
- 1 Cucumber
- 1 Avocado
- 1 large Carrot
- 12 more ingredients.....
Cream Stew
- 3 Carrots
- 1 Potato
- 1 lb boneless skinless Chicken Thighs
- 2 Tbsp Butter
- 3 more ingredients.....
Rice Cooker Chicken Bowls
- 1/2 lb Carrots
- 1 bunch Scallions
- 2 cups White Rice
- 1 Tbsp Chicken Bouillon
- 2 more ingredients.....
Chicken Tortellini Soup
- 1 Yellow Onion
- 3 Carrots
- 2 stalks Celery
- 3 cloves Garlic
- 9 more ingredients.....
Chicken Tortellini Soup
- 1 Yellow Onion
- 3 Carrots
- 2 stalks Celery
- 3 cloves Garlic
- 9 more ingredients.....
Chicken Tortellini Soup
- 1 Yellow Onion
- 3 Carrots
- 2 stalks Celery
- 3 cloves Garlic
- 9 more ingredients.....
Sopa de Legumes Na Panela de Pressão
- 2 colheres de óleo
- 400 gramas de legumes picados( cenoura, abóbrinha,chuchu)
- 4 batatas picadas
- 1 xícara de feijão cozido
- 5 more ingredients.....