Saquito de Calabacin Relleno
- ajo, pimiento, cebolla
- cebolla, ajo, champiñones y pimiento, un poquito para dar mas s...
- un calabacin mediano
- queso feta
- 5 more ingredients..
Berenjenas Rellenas de Carne
Receta para 4 personas
- 1/2 pimiento rojo
- 2 berenjenas grandes
- 1 cebolla roja mediana
- 1 tomate mediano
- 5 more ingredients..
Empanada de Atún a Mi Manera
- 2 pimientos rojos grandes
- 600 gr de harina
- 10 gr de levadura
- 250 ml de agua tibia
- 12 more ingredients..
Racion para 4 personas
- 330 gr de harina
- 3 huevos
- 100 gr de tomates secos
- 100 gr de riccotta
- 14 more ingredients.....
Peperoni Ripieni Al Forno
- 2 peperoni
- 1 mozzarella
- 5/6 pomodorini datterino
- una scatoletta di sgombro o tonno sott'olio
- 7 more ingredients.....
Peperoni Ripieni
- 60 g di galbanino
- 300 g di carne macinata mista
- 2 uova
- sale q.b.
- 4 more ingredients.....
Instant Pot Chicken and Dumplings
- 2 Tbsp Unsalted Butter
- 1 cup Whole Milk
- 1 Tbsp Baking Powder
- 1 3/4 cups AP Flour
- 14 more ingredients.....
Instant Pot Barbecue Pulled Pork Sandwiches
- 4 Lb Boneless Pork Shoulder
- 1 tsp Mustard Powder
- 3 Tbsp Tomato Paste
- 3 Tbsp Light Brown Sugar
- 10 more ingredients.....
Loaded Cauliflower Casserole
- 6 slices Bacon
- 2 heads Cauliflower
- 1/2 bunch Green Onions
- 6 ounces Cream Cheese
- 4 more ingredients.....
Lentil and Coconut Rice Stuffed Peppers
- 4 cloves Garlic
- 1 inch fresh ginger
- 1 Yellow Onion
- 1/2 Lemon
- 25 more ingredients.....
Lentil and Coconut Rice Stuffed Peppers
- 4 cloves Garlic
- 1 inch fresh ginger
- 1 Yellow Onion
- 1/2 Lemon
- 25 more ingredients.....
Tahu Isi Sayur
Tahu isi sayur
- 10 buah tahu goreng segitiga atau kotak
- 2 buah wortel potong korek api
- 1/4potong kol
- 300 gram tepung terigu
- 8 more ingredients.....